In 1621, long before the birth of the United States of America, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared a bountiful harvest feast. More than two centuries later, in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. Each year, Americans celebrate this special day on the fourth Thursday in November to give thanks for the many opportunities, people, and blessings that we are fortunate to have in our lives. #Thanksgiving #HappyThanksgiving
Thanksgiving HappyThanksgiving


Veteran’s Day is a tribute to military veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Originating in 1919 when President Woodrow Wilson marked a year since the end of the First World War, the day coincides with other days of remembrance around the world including Armistice Day in the United Kingdom and Remembrance Day across the Commonwealth of Nations. Not to be confused with Memorial Day, which honors those who died while in service, Veterans Day honors all military veterans, including the living.